this little light never went out

There aren’t many of us left. We met Jesus in days of revival, and were radically transformed.
I was driving through Grande Prairie, Alberta, got invited to a coffee house, got saved and moved into the church. In those days, Jesus totally interrupted our lives, and we let him.
What followed was a sense of purpose so opposite to our couldn’t-care-less lifestyle that I found a girl to marry and we headed across the world to take the gospel to Asia. We didn’t know destiny until we were born again and realized that our country has a destiny on the global scene and we could be part of it. The Canadian church’s destiny is to take the gospel of peace into the tormented world.
Our destiny is found in the Great Commission.
We need the Great Commission – supporting missions is where God shines His blessing back on those who send.

~Let’s pray~
Thank you Lord, for sending us out into all the world to share the Gospel. Guide us Holy Spirit in the direction we should go, how to sow and how to pray into the mission. Let us not hold back but move forward now, in humility, to bring every soul together in one accord, into Your kingdom. Here we are Lord, use us. Amen.