Passionate Burmese youth lead worship at our Faith Greater than Poverty conference in Yangon.
Financial Prosperity
Should we preach prosperity to the poor? Should we preach healing to the sick, or forgiveness to the sinner? Yes! And never back down. The gospel intends to deliver those bound by poverty. Recently a poor lady in Yangon, Myanmar told us, “Today I have decided to stop robbing God and bring my tithe to the church.” Before the service ended she received a job offer at double her present pay. Her four little kids will appreciate having food and clothes. The leaders of this church had just made a covenant together to break the spirit of debt and poverty and saw their church go from $1,000 USD in unpaid bills to $2,000 in surplus in two weeks. Then they sent an offering to Pakistan – a seed of abundance.
Any blessing, every blessing, must be appropriated by a declaration and act of faith. That’s why Terry and I partner with missionaries, because I believe in the Great Commission, and for me, partnership is my declaration that God is my blesser.
You can set up partnership giving through our website or email me personally to discuss the most beneficial method.