Welcome to Victory Asia and the ministry of World Mission Continuum Society.
(You can skip all the reading and) just email us: alpurvis@victoryasia.com
We build God’s Kingdom in the nations of Asia through father/son Kingdom relationships that provide the accountability and empowerment needed to fulfill the Great Commission in a hostile world.
This kingdom-minded attitude and the efficient connection between senders and goers has made World Mission Continuum Society and its affiliated ministries one of the most productive Kingdom endeavors in Asia.
We Believe
Jesus is building His church, not through studies and strategies, but by doubling His anointing through each successive generation – an ever-increasing release of power through the spiritual adoption of sons and daughters.
The Great Commission requires a life-long commitment to the process of adopting and training disciples in every nation and requires the functioning together of all the ministry gifts that Jesus has entrusted to His church.

Meet our National Leaders & Missionaries
We believe that the Gospel has a global scope and transcends man-made borders and racial, cultural, and religious diversity. The Gospel is for every person, and the responsibility and sacrifice required to fulfill Jesus’ commission is intended to be shared corporately among all believers.
Meet Our Canadian Board of Directors
Margaret Purvis, Jonathan Krenz, Laurie Neufeld, Crystal Campbell, Mathew Watson, Terry Purvis, Wayne Boersma, Eve Bassett, AL Purvis, Kent & Donna Prestage.

World Mission Continuum Society

Crystal Campbell
Email: admin@wmcontinuum.com
PO Box 32056
Edmonton, AB, T6K4C2
PH: 403-380-3352
In the case of an excess of funds designated to a specific purpose, World Mission Continuum Society reserves the right to redirect those excess funds to the next priority in line as determined by the WMCS Board of Directors.
For more information on supporting us financially, or increasing your monthly giving, simply call or e-mail Crystal Campbell at 1-403-380-3352 at our Edmonton office or via e-mail at admin@wmcontinuum.com.
World Mission Continuum Society is a Canadian registered charity: BN# 809921992RR0001