Note: Please designate clearly in the case that your gift is for a specific Nation and Pastor.
Meet our home-based heroes.
We are the heartbeat of Victory Asia. Here we creating the model for discipleship training, church planting, and ministry in the business world.
For more information click the button below

Sri Lanka
Chaminda & Dhammi Weragama
Our vision is to build Disciple Makers. Our goal is to establish churches with vibrant worship, and discipleship training to take the gospel to the whole Island of Sri Lanka and beyond.
Ralph & Jane Ortiz
Our vision is to plant churches in Siem Reap, Battambang, and Phnom Penh. These places will be the key cities to spread the church planting movement here in Cambodia.
Church: Victory Church Cambodia

Chris & Mary-Rose Lopez
After serving faithfully in Thailand for the past 5 years we have launched into Vietnam, adding another nation to the Platform. Our vision is to raise up leaders in every family, community, and city who will further the influence of the Gospel in Vietnam. We believe launching an English center that will be a hub to train the people that God will bring into our influence.
Email: chrismary.lopez042901@gmail.com
Ezekiel Eswaran
His vision for Malaysia is to show the love of God and raise up church planters in Kuala Lumpur, and training leaders who attend a Burmese Refuge school.
Email: victorychurch.malaysia@yahoo.com

John Albert
After Nargis Cyclone Storm hit to Myanmar on the 8 of May 2008, John has planted 3 churches in different cities around Yangon. VCM’s vision is to Reach, Teach, and Mobilize. He has been running Victory Children Home of Myanmar for 54 orphans from the civil war of Northern Kachin State since 2017. He has been raising them up to be educated in every area and to be the nation changers in their near futures.
Tom Schumacher
Tom and his wife run a children’s home and a Bible School in Tachileik, Myanmar. We believe in training our children and students to have the right image of God on the inside of them so that they will be and influence to this area of Myanmar. Our goal over the next few months is to begin church planting. One of our next projects is to use our rented property for farming corn, vegetables, and of course our fish ponds to help in supplying food for our children and other children homes.
Email: tom.schumacher8@gmail.com

Prem & Lalita Bahadur
We are an established Victory Bible College, based in Nepal. We are here to equip ordinary Nepalese people to become victorious leaders who will affect change in every area of our society. We are committed to Church Planting. Victory Churches of Nepal aims to equip and empower church leaders to plant successful churches. We also to provide training, and internship programs to assist churches and develop their spiritual gifts and talents to fulfill the Great Commission.
Peter & Lubna Jamshed
Peter and his wife oversee church planting in Pakistan. They also imparting good quality education to poor kids in their six victory schools. They are also running a part time Bible college.

TLCI India
To designate to TLCI India through Tithely, go to “To:.” Then click on “Nations.” In the notes write “TLCI India.”
To designate to TLCI India through PayPal, submit your amount, then email admin@wmcomtinuum.com to designate the funds to TLCI India.